Report Benefits
Stay ahead in the dynamic food and beverage market with insights into Thai consumers’ evolving preferences. NIQ’s “Food Trip 2023” report provides in-depth analysis of key consumption trends, helping brands and businesses understanding the changing landscape in Thailand.
Key areas of analysis include:
- Consumer Sentiments: Uncover how economic factors and rising costs impact food and beverage preferences, with a breakdown of channel and meal type choices.
- Eating Out Channel Trends: See where and how often Thai consumers are dining out, with detailed trends segmented by meal types and dayparts.
- Daypart Consumption Overview: Learn what consumers eat and drink at various times of the day, including comparisons of in-home cooking, dining out, and delivery trends. Discover the needs and occasions that drive consumption during different dayparts.
- Brand performance Across Food Outlets: Analyze how key food retailers and brands are performing across various channels, helping you identify strengths and opportunities in the market.
Want to gain a competitive edge in Thailand’s F&B market? “Food Trip 2023” provides actionable insights for brands and businesses to refine their strategies in line with current consumer preferences and behaviors in Thailand’s food and beverage sector.

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